And from protecting Belize's territorial integrity, we turn now cybersecurity, and the emerging problems come with being connected to the rest of the world. Over the past few years, as high speed internet and data have become more affordable, we're almost all online, but few of us stop to consider cyber threats.
The reality is that owning a computer, tablet or smartphone is like creating a front door into your personal lives. There are many predators and hackers on the internet who would seek to kick down that door and exploit your personal information for illicit reasons. So, to help protect Belizeans against internet crimes such as identity theft and phishing scams, the Ministry of National Security has begun to explore ways in which they can increase the country's cybersecurity.
That effort has progressed into the production of the first draft of a National Cybersecurity Strategy. The National Security Ministry held public consultations today at the Biltmore Plaza Hotel, to discuss this first draft and 7News stopped by to learn a little more about it. Here's what one of the experts had to say about the topic:
Daniela Schnidrig - Program Lead, Global Partners Digital
"There is a reality that cyber threats are getting more complex, and there's more of them. So, it's really important that we tackle those threats in a robust and effective way. So, I think we all agree on that, and then a national cybersecurity strategy can provide a road map for that and some structure for doing that. What's been really important in this process has been that it has been a really inclusive and participatory process from the beginning. Everyone agrees that cybersecurity is not the responsibility of one single actor. There's not one single actor, not even the government, that can do everything that needs to be done to tackle these threats. So, it's really important that we work together, and that all stakeholders are involved in the development of policy."
"How mature is Belize's Cybersecurity Strategy? Do, we have a document? Is it finalized?"
Daniela Schnidrig
"Belize has started efforts on developing the strategy for a few years now. But, there was a cybersecurity symposium in 2017 that sort of kick-started the whole process. The development of the strategy started last year in 2018 with the support of the Organization of American States, the cyber program. There was a Taskforce that was set up to help with the drafting, and that Taskforce is multi-stakeholder, meaning that it has representatives from all different sectors, and now, we are presenting today the first draft."
We are told that the first draft of this national cybersecurity strategy will be posted online at the National Security Ministry's website which is located at Members of the public will be able to read it and give feedback on it while it is in the draft phase. If you would like to learn more about how you can better protect yourself from internet crimes, the Ministry has already launched a website that you can visit at
National Security is partnering with the Public Utilities Commission, the United Kingdom-based Global Partners Digital, and the Organization of American States for this cybersecurity initiative.