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Police Drag Feet on Channel 7 Arson Investigation
Fri, May 13, 2005
Usually the news in this headline is about something big that's happening in the community but tonight it is about us, right here at Channel 7.

On Wednesday Brian Neal, known to us as Easy B, came to Channel 7 to tell us that he had been hired to burn down our studio here at the corner of Dean and Albert Street. He told us that he was offered $3,000 to do the job by a man from the Belize Rural North Area. You may have heard the story before because the same man was hired last week to set fire to WAVE Radio and that story has since been told on the UDP's WAVE Radio and The GUARDIAN Newspaper.

With all that media exposure, you may be saying: "one man hired to burn down two buildings? - sounds unlikely," and we might say that too, in fact we might add that it sounds like some overheated paranoid conspiracy. But, we assure you, we have investigated the story and it is authentic, the threat is real.

How do we reach that conclusion? Brian Neal last week made a sworn statement to police and as proof of his claim made a telephone call to the man who hired him to burn down WAVE FM. When he made the call, the detective at the CIB Office was allowed to listen in as the contractor gave him directives on how the arson should be carried out and with what. That was one week ago, and the police, even after eavesdropping on the very disturbing phone call, did nothing. This week, after the UDP beefed up security making arson difficult, the contractor, who did not know the police were on to him, directed him to burn down Channel 7 instead.

It's the kind of thing best left for the police to handle and that's just what we did. 48 hours ago, when we became aware of the threat, we contacted the police and asked them to investigate. But that hasn't worked, and tonight, that's why we are coming to you our biewers. By all appearances, the police have done nothing about this very serious and substantiated claim.

Despite overwhelming evidence, and a clear identification of the man doing the hiring, that person has not been arrested or even taken in for questioning. More than that, police were today trying to arrest the whistleblower Mark Neal on an old charge. All of this tells us that police are not only dragging their feet on the real case, they are working against our interests which is the safety of Channel 7 and the neighborhood around it.

News Director Jules Vasquez, who made a formal police complaint on Thursday asking for their assistance, told Keith Swift what's so wrong and so worrying about the way police have approached the matter.

Jules Vasquez, Channel 7 News Director
"What really concerns me about the manner in which this has been handled is that I went to Mr. Puga, the second in charge of CIB, I made a statement on Wednesday morning at 9 am. I know him very well and I have a lot of confidence in him as a professional and he told they were taking it very seriously because it was a serious complaint. However thereafter I learnt that investigation, the Criminal Investigation Branch's investigation, has been told to stand down and that the Special Branch will investigate which is completely contradictory because the Special Branch does not investigate, it gathers intelligence and all they do really is conduct surveillance on people. So when there is a crime, as there is in this case clearly the crime of abetment, and the Special Branch is the investigating unit it tells me that no one, or the senior command of the Police Department, doesn't want to do anything about this. We will sit back and watch because that's what Special Branch does, it watches."

"Before I went to Mr. Puga I called the Commissioner of Police, a person whom I have known for many years and in whom I have confidence he wants to do the right thing. I called him and told him the seriousness of it. He agreed that it was very serious, that it is a quite complicated matter but that they will follow up on it seriously. I know on that night the Crimes Investigation Branch was conducting seurviellienace on Channel 7 in the fear that something might happen; so that's how seriously they took it. But after that a directive came from the senior command of the Department, we assume, that the CIB is no longer to handle it. I called Mr. Westby about this and he assured me that he's working on it and he takes it seriously but he cannot disucss the details on the phone. Now when the head of our security forces is unable to talk on cellphones it is a very worrying development. Anyway, there is no indication that they are doing something serious about it other than trying to imprison the person who is making the complaint. It sounds incredible but it is true. They've been trying to arrest him all day today. They followed him, the Special Branch is following him, and they followed him to Channel 7 when he came here this morning to speak to him. I know they followed him because they came here after he left to try and execute a warrant for his arrest at Channel 7, a place that he has only come to know briefly in the past 2 days. So they are tracking him and they seek to arrest him on an old charge, 2 or 3 years old, for which he agrees he owes the court a fine. But they are seeking to execute that when the person who hired him to burn down Channel 7 has not even been taken in for questioning. So it shows me that not only are the police not interested in protecting Channel 7 in anyway, but in fact they are interested in protecting the person who has expressed an interest, who has hired someone, to burn down Channel 7 and they are trying to arrest the person who is the whistleblower in this. It is inexplicable. It is a show of absolute disconcern for this company, this media house, by the Police Department and I am calling out the Commissioner of Police Gerald Westby. I put the matter in his hands, he told he would take it seriously, he has not. Upon whose directives he is acting, I do not know but I would wish it were not his own. It's a very concerning thing because if you watch there is now apparently a deliberate strategy called, 'wait and see,' which is let's wait and see what the looters do on Albert Street for half-hour to forty-five minutes. Let's wait and see what happens with this contractor to a crime who wants to burn down Channel 7. Let's not act, let's wait and see. That is very concerning to me."

Keith Swift,
Jules are you afraid? Are you concerned?

Jules Vasquez,
"I am not afraid for Channel 7 per se because we have taken additional security measures and at a certain point the best you can do is the best you can do and what's to be must be. What concerns me is the inaction by the Police Department, the contrary action by the Police Department; their absolute lack of concern for the safety of this media entity and the buildings around it. That to me is frightening and concerning. That is a change and that is a new reality we have to adjust to: that the Police Department is not interested in acting in a purposeful way and a deliberate way to bring in, question, and charge those who are interested, or that person who is interested, in executing an arson on Channel 7."

Again, the official police position, as we understand it, is that Brian Neal's statement explaining the contract he was given is hearsay and the Special Branch will continue to follow the case. As for Neal, up to this evening, he had gone to the court to make arrangements to start paying on the fine he has outstanding. Police had also gone to his house to arrest him. He declined to go on air this evening.

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