7 News Belize

GPD Growth For 2023 Almost Flat
posted (September 25, 2024)
In other statistics, the revised gross domestic product for 2023 was revised down to just 1.1% - while earlier estimates had it at 3.5%, here's why:

Christopher Hulse, Statistician II
"Goods and services produce total $5.119 billion. This is an increase of 53.5 million, or 1.1%, when compared to 2022. Then we saw decreases across some of the crops, including the big tree crops, which led to a 6.6% decline from $521.5 million in 2022 to $486.9 million in 2023."

"And we also had a decline in electricity. So secondary went down by 1.9%. However, tertiary went up by 3 .5%, and taxes went down by 0.9%."

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