We also asked the Commissioner about the bail received for a man accused of raping a 13 year old in Placencia. As we reported, earlier this month, 34-year-old Dane Percival Neal, was charged for the rape of a child.
He is reportedly out on bail, and as a result of this the public is questioning whether or not the charge of rape should be a bailable offense.
When we spoke to the compol today he broke down for us how the judiciary system functions when it comes to granting bail for certain cases.
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"It's a matter for the judiciary I think that the crime control and criminal justice act clearly outlines the different offenses for which a person may not be able to be granted bail at the first instance which would be at the magistrate court level and I do believe that rape of a minor is one of those instances. So the magistrate may not be able to grant bail for it but the accused person can then apply to the Supreme Court for bail and the Supreme Court being the guardian of the constitution would then be able to consider that person for bail. As a matter of fact even murder while the court at first instance does not give bail for murder if the person applies at the Supreme Court for bail for murder the high court is in a position where they can grant bail if they see it fit because the constitution did not clearly stipulate that if you are charged for murder you cannot get bail it did not say that. So every crime."
"Is a bailable offense it's just a matter for the court to determine if they are going to grant bail and if they do under what condition or conditions they will grant those bails."