7 News Belize

posted (September 4, 2024)
And while they have their white paper, and their letterhead - the Alliance For Democracy does not control the seating on the opposition bench. That is determined by the Leader of the Opposition - he is selected by a majority of the opposition members - and he then tells the Clerk how to assign their seating.

So, where will Tracy Panton and Patrick Faber now sit - since they have been renounced by the official UDP? We asked them today:

Jules Vasquez
"He will tell the clerk, these people are not UDPs. Uno go sit them wherever you put Mr. Marcel Cardona, which is at the back."

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"But you see, you like to try to make these comparisons when Cardona was put. You are the opposition when you're not a part of the government, you know?"

Jules Vasquez

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"Cardona was a part of the government and the ruling party had it say, but why do you think that the Speaker will encourage the current leader?"

"And where will we be put other than right on the opposition benches?"

Jules Vasquez
"At the top? On the second bench, though?"

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"And we could still talk just as much and do what we want. In fact, it might as well. Sister, be at the front and it will not matter.

"Where you sit down clearly doesn't matter. We can still raise the kind of awareness against the wrongdoing of the government."

Jules Vasquez
"But you all will not be recognized as UDPs formally."

Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
"That is his position. That would be his position. That does not make me, does not make Tracy any less of UDPs. In fact, we are telling you because many were hoping that this press conference would announce a breakaway that we are forming some third party."

"We are UDPs and we will not be taken out of our own party where we put blood, sweat and tears in."

Again, a release from the UDP this evening says, quote, "For the avoidance of doubt, Tracy Panton, Patrick Faber, John Saldivar and Beverly Williams are no longer members of the United Democratic Party.

The application period to fill the vacancies for UDP Standard Bearers in the Albert, Belmopan, Belize Rural Central and Collet Constituencies closes September 6, 2024."

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