7 News Belize

A Brick Off Bus Terminal Roof Tumbles, Injuring Pedestrian
posted (September 12, 2024)

The Belize City Bus Terminal - it's simultaneously one of the most run down public facilities, while also being one of the most heavily trafficked. And add to that, it's on West Collet Canal - one of the busiest sidewalks in the city.

So, there's a whole lot of foot traffic, and today, when a piece of cement on the roof simply fell off, it crashed down to the awning overlooking the sidewalk and rolled right off that, onto the chest of a pedestrian.

Eyewitnesses told us she suffered a significant shoulder injury - but even so, she's lucky it didn't land on her head!

Here's how one eyewitness put it:

Thomas Garcia, Witness
"Seems to be like this piece of rock. Well, I don't know what to call it, but he just let go from the side of the building and drop and bounce. Then it suppose to bounce on the lady here and the next lady suppose to, the same rock hurt the other lady. One of the lady was a vendor and the other lady was you know waiting on somebody."

"Could you describe to us you know the reaction from the leaders when the cement or the rock or whatever fell on them."

Thomas Garcia, Witness
"Well the lady just scream and I mean you know what if a block dropped on your shoulder here and you're done edgible already? Yeah. So with that force, with that force that that rock drop, well that's it. So the poor lady... Well up to now like I said, I don't know what happened afterwards that they take them to the hospital."

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