7 News Belize

Another Shortage Of License Plates
posted (September 12, 2024)

And from a broken bus terminal to a broken licensing system. That's because there is a chronic shortage of license plates and license stickers. This isn't the first time that the Transport Department has run out of these crucial items - in fact, it's become more of a norm lately. But in August, the department received a new supply of plates and stickers. That was less than a month ago and they're all finished. So, once again the department has waited too long to order a new shipment. Today Minister Ferguson said it's an internal problem that he's working out.

Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Transport
"As the minister responsible, I guess the buck stops at me. But ever since I been my staff we must get our act together. Put a database in place and asking them for the last year let us have a minimum reorder level and a maximum reorder so we know when we reach 200 it's time to reorder. Right now, I believe we are getting to that milestone And hopefully after September."

"There should be no more issues with license plates. As those first set came in, they went and I want to applaud the Belizean people that they want to do things the legal way and they come and demand a license plate and come and demand their sticker. But we are now almost over the hump and we should be able to come back on the street."

"Why has it taken this long?"

Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Transport
"I will say that it's internal, and I hope that I have it fixed now."

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