7 News Belize

PM: Boledo Bucks Will Be Audited
posted (September 16, 2024)
And some of the Boledo profits will go towards funding the NHI. But the PM bristled when one reporter asked about the oversight for the Boledo funds. That spurred a back and forth between the PM and Krem's Marisol Amaya.

"How does the public know how much we're getting every year, and ensuring that's properly used?"

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Ay Dios mío. Really? Honestly?"

"It's a serious question."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Now you will ask that question? You had 13 years of the UDP and you never did ask them how they spent the Boledo money."

"We reported on it."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Honestly, really?"

"We asked Barrow and we were behind it in relation to-"

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Please, come on."

Reporter: -
"Who were the beneficial owners."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"You never. Did you get an answer?"

"Because it was in was in St Lucia or I don't know but we did our investigation at the business registry. So you can't say we faltered in that regard."

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Now let me make something very clear. The Boledo is going to be audited and when we get those audited statements, I'm going to lay it in the House so that then everybody can see the sales and then what are they and then that money, a large portion, I'd say the majority of that money is going to be used to help to pay for the National Health Insurance. Now we do have a lot of young people, we know we have challenges in sports, with funding sports in our country and we have a lot of talented young people in sports. Just last night I got chills when we recognized the Golden Girls of 1974 when they won the gold medal. It shows that if we can provide proper training for our young people we could compete on the international stage so we want to set aside a portion of the Boledo winnings to go to sports and so that money will go to NHI to help to pay for NHI services because it's not going to be cheap but we believe that keeping our people healthy does not have a price value."

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