Earlier on we told you about all the crime that’s happened this
weekend in the city where two murders and two shootings were reported. The Police
Department and the government is under pressure to come up with a solution and
today they held a press conference to brief the media on their plans. Here’s
Hon. Carlos Perdomo, Minister of National Security
“And the purpose for this press conference was to try to share that
it is through lack of effort, it is not through lack of planning – there
is a major social issue in Belize that everybody, in addition to the Police,
have to begin to look at.”
And if he sounds slightly exasperated or overwhelmed, that’s probably because he is.
Hon. Carlos Perdomo,
“There are still cold blooded murderers walking our streets. This
is not acceptable. We will aggressively pursue these criminals until they are
in jail where they belong.”
And according to CEO Lloyd Gillett, criminal intelligence is their top priority.
Lloyd Gillett, CEO – Ministry of National Security
“Dismantling criminal gangs is the number one priority of our intelligence
services. We have also instituted better coordination between the intelligence
And Perdomo says that requires a change in operations for intelligence officers
– who were doing a very specific kind of intelligence gathering for the
last government.
Hon. Carlos Perdomo,
“The government of the day charged their intelligence unit to do political
intelligence, to look at the unions, to look at the Opposition, to look at the
press. And so we took over in February and the intelligence units are still
doing political intelligence. What we had to do in the next few months while
we got into government was to charge the intelligence forces to go back to criminal
intelligence and left the damn political thing alone for a while. There is a
no government, the people have changed the crooks, they are going to give us
a chance to lead so let’s go back to gangs, guns, drugs, and like that.”
And more than just intelligence gathering, the new mission is a complete crackdown
– meaning more manpower on the streets.
Allan Whylie, Acting Commissioner of Police
“A rotational duty roster has been implemented at police headquarters
and this will allow for the planned shutdown of some administrative areas for short periods weekly. This will allow for the freeing up of additional officers
who will be deployed to Belize City to participate in preventative patrol duties
in the volatile areas identified. This will also allow people to see a more
visible accessible police presence in the streets and in their communities.
It is also been recommended that to complement this effort additional BDF soldiers
be assigned to work patrol duties alongside these officers.”
And there’s also a gang crackdown.
Allan Whylie,
“As a matter of policy, whenever any persons involved in gang or any
other criminal activities are charged by the police for any harassment alarm
or distress to two or more persons, a senior officer will be assigned to work
with the prosecutor to apply to the presiding Magistrate for the issuing of
an anti-social behaviour order.”
And according to Jeffries efforts will target Mayflower Street, the site of
the May 16th grenade attack.
Crispin Jeffries, Commander - Operations
“There are certain communities that we can refer to as cul de sacs,
dead end streets, no go areas. We will be challenging the other agencies as
part of the multi-agency task force to have us enter those areas and I speak
particularly, with no regrets, of the Mayflower area. It has long been an area that the police can only go in and has difficulty at times to get out. We believe
that if one would look at any of the Belize City street maps, you will see that
Logwood Street should travel all the way up and join Pine Street and not stop
where it stops.
That area for the last 25 years, much of my police career, I have gone
in there as a young constable and as an assistant commissioner trying to deal
with crime problem. It has never been an area that we’ve taken the serious
will to correct. It has had its political coverage as well as its neighbourhood
coverage. Mayflower Street has yielded the most single street death among young
people over the last 20 years. Any statistical analysis will show you that and
it will decrease unless we do something more positive than we are doing right
And what they will be doing is cracking down on bicycles.
Crispin Jeffries,
“We will be targeting bicycles. We believe that a number of young
criminals transit the city area and target people in the tourist areas on bicycles.
We will be dealing with that and I am saying so because I know there will be
a few radio calls complaining about the police taking away bicycles. We’re
going to surgically do this, we will analyze the outcome and we will ensure
that as little as possible inconvenience is caused.”
But, according to Jeffries, the problem can be solved.
Crispin Jeffries,
“We believe that crime and incidents of street crimes have been on
the increase. There is a little amount of persons that are involved. We’ll
be targeting known suspects as Mr. Whylie pointed out to ensure that we complete
the prosecution process for many of those who are running around our streets
and have five and ten cases lingering in our court system. We will make an extra
effort to speed up the prosecution process.”
And while there’s no simple solution catchphrase that will make citizens
feel safer, CEO Gillett did hazard a try at one.
Lloyd Gillett,
“In the spirit of the Olympics what we want to do is to run the criminals
off the street, dive into preventative measures against crime, and jump to the
defense of the public.”
And before you could say increased patrols in hotspots, 7NEWS
has received a report just a minute ago indicating that there was another shooting
on Flamboyant Street a few minutes ago. Details are scarce and unconfirmed and
we hope to have more before the end of this newscast. |