An ad appearing on the news last night was a real eye-catcher. It shows
the UDP’s elder statesman Manuel Esquivel endorsing Anthony Michael for
Mayor and questioning the fiscal soundness of his opponent Zenaida Moya. Now
Esquivel is not only the Prime Minister’s senior financial advisor, he’s
also Mayor Moya’s financial advisor. But he’s also got a daughter
in the council who’s offering herself for office on the Michael slate.
But still, these remarks from a very measured man were remarkable.
[TV Ad]
Rt. Hon. Manuel Esquivel,
“Clearly even with a friendly UDP government the council and the future
council will need to adhere to the fundamental of good governance, including
a commitment to discipline and transparency in the management of the council’s
affairs. The people of the city elected 11 men and women to serve. It is not
a task for one person, the whole team must be involved in the process of governance.”
Dale McDougal: How can this be achieved?
Rt. Hon. Manuel Esquivel,
“We must make sure we elect a Mayor who is committed to the principle
of inclusion. We simply cannot afford decisions and policies being made solely
by the Mayor.”
Dale McDougal: Is this why you’re supporting Deputy
Mayor Anthony Michael’s bid to be the next mayor of Belize City?
Rt. Hon. Manuel Esquivel,
“Yes Anthony Michael was overwhelming elected by his colleagues to
be deputy mayor two years in a row. This is because he demonstrated his ability
to work with his team, his willingness to embrace the initiatives and ideas
of his colleagues. We need Anthony Michael to be the Mayor to unify and invigorate
the next Belize City Council.” |