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Novelo's Protest in Benque; Transport Minister Unfazed
Wed, October 15, 2008

National Transport, they’re the new brand of the Novelo family and this brand doesn’t put up with being chanced. They’ve been on an aggressive offensive against the Ministry of Transport and today escalated the pressure with a protest in Benque Viejo. Amateur video provided by the Novelo’s show a modest crowd who came out in the rain to protest in front of the home of Area Representative Erwin Contreras.

Now, Contreras is not even in town, but the point was made, because these folks say the ministry of transport’s new zoning system is forcing them to close their bus station in Benque, which for year’s had been their hometown base of operations. It is sustained pressure, and we got a reaction from the Prime Minister and the Transport Minister today.

Hon. Dean Barrow,
“I know that there has been public protest mounted by the Novelo’s. We discussed the matter in detail in Cabinet yesterday and I think, I know the Cabinet is entirely satisfied that there is nothing personal in the Minister and the Ministry’s agenda, this is in an effort to do right by the people of Belize. It is not an attempt to run any vendetta against the Novelo’s.”

Jules Vasquez,
Are you under siege?

Hon. Melvin Hulse, Minister of Transport
“Of course not. Jules they have launched this intensive, extensive, expensive campaign against me. But note this has been going on for about a month. We have over a hundred and twenty odd bus owners, none have jumped on the bandwagon. We have about three hundred thousand people in this country, the commuters have not jumped on the bandwagon in support because they have lived it and my thing to them, and I know those boys well and it is not personal, but they are a part of the bus transportation system, they are not the bus transportation system. I have told them guys, focus on making your system work well because if you are telling me you are broke and you are losing money and thing then why are you wasting so much money on propaganda. The amount of money they have spent is equivalent that they could put six tires on each bus and they could put six new tires on 35 buses. Please don’t tell me that things bad and if they get regulated they won’t be able to pay their loans but they are not paying it now. The regulation hasn’t started yet.”

Jules Vasquez,
National has the most runs, they employ the most people.

Hon. Melvin Hulse,
“No that is not true and we continue that misconception. I love how they throw it out, ‘we have a hundred and odd runs in the country, we got three hundred and fifty people.’ I am not asking to tell me nothing about Beli-Tour. I am not asking you to please include none of your city shuttle because that is in the city. On the highway you don’t so please that is not true. It is simple.”

The new zoning system goes into effect on October 19.

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