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Drumming and Youth Empowerment
Tue, November 18, 2008

And while there will be drumming tonight at the Memorial Park, there was drumming today at Youth for the Future. It was part of Youth for the Future’s satellite office. The Youth Empowerment Coordinator is Kirk Augustus.

Kirk Augustus, Youth Empowerment Coordinator
“We use the celebration as a backdrop for the whole satellite table whereas we will recognize and respect the contribution of the Garifuna people to Belize City. Today we know that HIV is a serious disease in Belize and so we are promoting safe sex and at the same time a violence free 19th celebration.

The idea to have the satellite table like I said is to bring awareness that HIV and Aids is out there. While having fun we need to have clean fun, use a condom if you will engage in sexual activity and whenever anyone is drinking and having fun, remember we want a violence free celebration.”

Youth Week begins on Sunday.

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