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PSE & CXC Exams Still On for Monday
Thu, April 30, 2009

At news time tonight, no cases of swine flu have been confirmed in Belize. There are 9 cases of interest – those are cases that present symptoms that could be swine flu – but we stress, there is no confirmation – and those cases may well turn out to be the common flu. Test results on those cases of interest from the Caribbean Epidemiology Centre, CAREC in Trinidad were expected this afternoon, but at news time, they had not yet been finished. It is hoped that the results will be available by tomorrow morning when the Ministry of Health hold another press conference. At this time, the state of vigilance remains in effect and all mass events have been cancelled by order of the Ministry of Health.

And what about the PSE? It’s scheduled for Monday and health and education officials have been debating whether to go ahead with it or to postpone it. Just a few minutes ago, the CEO in the Ministry of Education David Leacock told us what is the outcome of those deliberations about the PSE and CXC exams which also start on Monday.

David Leacock, CEO – Ministry of Education
“We have determined that as of right now, and I want to emphasize that as of now, we believe that we can proceed with the exam on Monday. Of course that will depend on what develops over the next few days. So I want to make that clear, that based on the information that we have right now, we believe that we can proceed with the exam. If I may state that when we discussed with the Ministry of Health the matter and after they reviewed with us the administrative arrangements for the exam, it was felt that even though it is a large number of students sitting the exam, there is sufficient segregation, to use the technical term, and therefore it does not fit the profile of a major mass gathering as the Agricultural Show or the concerts that were being planned.

And so on that basis, it is felt that we could proceed with the exam with conditions. Conditions being of course the same conditions that we have been advising schools already, that parents should monitor their children and any child who exhibits or shows flu like symptoms, should be kept at home and taken to the nearest health clinic for medical attention. As well at the centers, the center supervisors and invigilators should monitor the situation to monitor the children in their charge and if a child should show flu like symptoms while in the exam that that child should be removed from the examination room and there should be a separate room where they will be kept.

We will be providing the centers with masks for such children when they are being kept in a waiting room, let’s say until such time that a parent can be notified and they can be picked up at carried home and to the nearest health clinic for medical attention. So that’s the plan right now. We’re also going to be ensuring that the centers are provided with sufficient soap and the tissue to ensure that proper sanitary arrangements are in place. That is of right now where we stand, of course developments over the weekend may very well cause us to review this position.”

Keith Swift,
Mr. Aird what about classes for next week, will those be on?

Christopher Aird, Chief Education Officer
“The decision is that there is no sufficient evidence of any cases in Belize at this time for us to make a decision to close school at this point. However that could change depending on the results of the cases of interest. But that is why we have to monitor the situation and be careful and pay attention to any announcements that may be forthcoming.”

David Leacock,
“I just want to add one other thing Keith. There is also the CXC exams that begin on Monday. The same advice provided will prevail there as well at this time until development over the weekend mandates a change.”

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