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Jose Cruz Refuses Dialysis in Protest
Wed, July 1, 2009

Jose Cruz needs dialysis three times a week to stay alive but this morning he refused treatment which means that he was accepting death. The 39 year old who was born with polycystic kidneys refused treatment in protest of government’s policy which boils down to paying for the dialysis of twenty patients and neglecting the other twenty plus patients who can’t afford it. So this morning Jose Cruz took a stand which was so serious that the Ministry of Health’s CEO Dr. Peter Allen made a personal plea. We’ll tell you what he said later but first to Jose Cruz who told us why he is willing to die to prove a point.

Jose Cruz, Kidney Patient
“I need to see something happen. I need to see something happen. I am willing to stop doing my dialysis. I am willing to die for it. I want the people of Belize to understand I am for real, I am not joking. This might be a game and I may be appear foolish to other people to stand up for the people but this is my life. This has always been me and I am willing to stand again. I have done it once, I have done it twice, and I’m going to do it a million times.”

Keith Swift,
What will satisfy you?

Jose Cruz,
“A simple act of good faith on behalf of the Ministry of Health and BMDU to understand. This is nonsense. People are dying for God’s sake. We have 24 people back here that need to get on this program and can’t get on the program while the whole focus of the media and everybody is on KHMH about some alleged money that had been missing or whatever. We have people dying, literally dying and nobody’s paying attention. So I am making the stand today. We can’t wait two years, we can’t wait three years, these people will die.”

Keith Swift,
You realize that next week you might die if you don’t get the treatment.

Jose Cruz,
“Well then so be it. Let it be so. I am willing to take that chance.”

As we mentioned – no less than the CEO in the Ministry of Health – Dr. Peter Allen intervened this afternoon. For half hour behind closed doors, Dr. Allen pleaded with Jose Cruz to take his treatment. But Allen made no promises noting that government already spends one point five million dollars annually for dialysis treatment.

Dr. Peter Allen, CEO – Ministry of Health
“It is my hope that he will do what’s necessary to maintain his personal health. He has our greatest advocate for dialysis services in the country and frankly we can’t do without him.”

Keith Swift,
But he says he is frustrated because enough people aren’t be helped.

Dr. Peter Allen,
“No I do understand. I know that Mr. Cruz understands that the government is doing a lot. I know he also understands that government can’t do everything.”

Keith Swift,
Has his point been made?

Dr. Peter Allen,
“Certainly it has been made to the Ministry of Health over and over again. I think that there is more that we must continue to do all the time but again as Mr. Cruz and myself has said that the Ministry of Health can’t do everything.”

Keith Swift,
Will anything change?

Dr. Peter Allen,
“I certainly hopes so but I must say that change comes from advocacy and there is no stronger advocate for dialysis services than Mr. Cruz. He has my full support.”

Keith Swift,
You were in the room with Dr. Allen, was he able to convince you to get back on the treatment?

Jose Cruz,
“For now no.”

But by this evening Jose Cruz had a change of heart. He told us that he has been persuaded to take today’s dialysis treatment. He however won’t relent and is scheduled to meet with officials from the Ministry of Health on Monday.

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