At yesterday’s Cabinet meeting – government rejected the
request of the Trade Union Congress to sit on the regional oversight committees
for the Venezuelan housing money. It is a stinging rebuke for the Trade Union
Congress which first declined to sit on the regional oversight committees in
February and then last week, after we broke the story about their refusal to
sit on the committees, they had a change of heart and submitted the names of
their representatives to the Prime Minister. That offer was rejected and today
Prime Minister Dean Barrow didn’t mince words about why. He told me that
the invitation for the unions to sit on the oversight committees was a courtesy.
And more than that, according to Prime Minister Barrow the unions had their
opportunity and now the ship has already sailed.
Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister of Belize
“Let us understand first of all this is a government project, the
government had absolutely no legal obligation to invite anybody to assist the
government in the implementation of the project. We voluntarily right from the
start invited both the Chamber of Commerce and the NTUCB to assist. Earlier
on the Chamber of Commerce backed out. They were not happy with decision we
took to give the monies from Venezuela to the poor people of Belize free of
cost but we got the monies free how on earth we can turn around in any event,
it exposed a fundamental difficulty.
We are the government, we are the ones that have been elected, we want
to partner with the Chamber of Commerce, with the NTUCB but ultimately we must
govern, we make the decisions and when there is an honest difference of opinion
unless we can be persuaded that the position we take is wrong, our opinion is
what will prevail, that is why people elected us. I am not sure at what stage
the NTUCB indicated that it too was not interested in proceeding in partnering
with us.
There seem to be or there now seems to be a dispute over whether they wrote
a formal letter or whether they communicated in another fashion but I cannot
recollect for sure and I don’t want to misrepresent anybody but it was
clear to us that the NTUCB was no longer interested. The Chamber of Commerce
formally indicated, I know that for sure, it was clear to us that NTUCB was
no longer interested because they began taking heat from the media for refusing
our invitation to participate, they come now belatedly and say they now want
to participate. I am sorry, I am sorry that ship has sailed, the government
gave you every opportunity, you did not take the opportunity. Five months after
or six months after because of what the media has said to you, you come and
want to, the answer is no.”
Jacqueline Godwin,
“But don’t you see Cabinet’s decision in anyway affecting
your promise about transparency?”
Hon. Dean Barrow,
“But how can it affect the promise of transparency? We are doing the
thing in a transparent fashion. Transparency does not mean you put the social
partners only in implementation unit for every project that you do, that is
nonsense. We as a government have an obligation to be transparent, it means
we put the material out there, it means we invite you the media to come and
inspect the records as much as you want where does the definition of transparency
say that you can only be transparent if you have the union or the chamber of
commerce acting as a kind of parallel government absolutely not.
We will continue in the future to operate in the way we have in the past
where we think it would be useful and it would assist the whole social process,
we would extend invitations to these people but you cannot believe that anybody
will hold the government at ransom, they cannot begin to develop a sense of
entitlement, they cannot begin to feel that it is their right to serve on every
implementation unit that the government sets up with respect to what are government
projects, no man. We will seek to involve them as much as we possibly can when
in a situation like this we make an offer and they either reject or don’t
take it us and a sufficient time elapses, I am afraid they do not get a second
chance and I make no apologizes for it.”
General Secretary of the Trade Union Congress Javier Roberts told us
this evening that the union will be meeting tomorrow to discuss government’s
decision and other issues. |