Last Wednesday BTL disconnected Smart’s circuits at two sites
– one in Ladyville and the other at Benny’s on the Northern Highway.
Friday on this newscast, BTL’s Manager of Human Resources and Marketing
Dionne Miranda told us that Smart actually requested disconnection for those
two sites. Well today Smart fired back. At a late evening press conference,
Smart’s Public Relations Manager Ian Courtenay and its network specialist
Abraham Teck fired back.
Ian Courtenay, PR Manager – Smart
“Our records and the records that we have from BTL refute this statement
first of all, as to the date that we requested this disconnection. But I will
ask our network director to explain what occurred there and the purpose why
the requests were made.”
Abraham Teck, Network Director – Smart
“We have multiple E-1s going to the Lake Garden site and indeed a
request was made to BTL at about the time they did mention to basically terminate
an E-1. This E-1 that we asked for termination was when we moved over from satellite
communications and Speednet took Telemedia’s offer of the unfiltered E-1s.
So that would account why the request went in and why according to our records,
on August 29th they informed us that as of 10 am they actually ceased the service.”
Ian Courtenay,
“Our big contention has been with the PUC that they are the agency
mandated to regulate the industry and as we have now reached a situation, we
want the PUC to step in. We are a consumer, we are probably one of the BTL biggest
consumers actually of their service, and if there is a dispute then we want
the PUC who are responsible to do this, to step in and say okay you all need
to negotiate and let’s sit down and do it but in the interim our customers
are denied service and we feel that that is unfair.”
Smart service is still spotty between Ladyville and Belize City and
their international service isn’t online. You can still send and receive
international text messages. |