Mexico Bans Belizean Buses on the Weekend |
Mon, February 1, 2010 |
Belizean buses are no longer allowed to enter Mexico during the weekends.
According to the Mexican Embassy, as part of their modernization project –
all buses will be subject to what’s called “Gamma Ray Screening”
– it is like x-ray for buses to detect contraband and illegal immigrants
and since it isn’t done on the weekends – buses won’t be allowed
to cross the border on Saturdays and Sundays. Public Relations Officer at the
Mexican Embassy Marcelino Miranda says that Belizeans can still cross the Mexican
border but they can’t do it on a bus.
Marcelino Miranda, PR Officer – Mexican Embassy
“There are rules in Mexico that have to be followed and that is the
reason why the Mexican Government through Mexican Customs has started to inform
Belizean buses about these timetables. This means Belizean buses can cross into
Mexico but they have to do it within this timetable. At the moment they cannot
cross because the gamma ray screening is not working during the weekend.
Passengers can cross into Mexico. They have to get out of the bus, the
Belizean bus, they go through Mexican Immigration and Customs and they are allowed
to go into Mexico. There are plenty of transports available at the border, they
can use these and travel to anywhere in Mexico to Chetumal, to Cancun, and so
there is no restriction about passengers – it is just about Belizean buses.”
Miranda says the rule also restricts Mexican buses and it is being
implemented at all border crossings. |