And while the City Council has its hands full with regulating the butane
industry, Phillip Willoughby is also the councillor with responsibility for
the city dump and he made a very disturbing discovery there today. Four bags
of medical waste were found at the Belize City dump this morning. It is news
because it was a major public health hazard since medical waste doesn’t
belong at the city dump. The rule is that the garbage from hospital should be
divided into red and green bags – red for the actual medical waste and
green for other garbage. But the vials of used blood bags, needles, IV tubes,
and gloves were in red and green bags. Councillor Phillip Willoughby isn’t
pointing fingers. He says they don’t know which hospital it came from
or which sanitation company deposited it at the dumpsite.
Phillip Willoughby, City Councillor – Sanitation
“We were on the ground sometime after 10 with a team from the Solid
Waste Management Authority and whilst walking to the back I said this can’t be right, green bag with this type of waste and red bag with this type of waste.
Here no, it is not right.
Varying persons utilize the dumpsite and someone transported these wastes
there. At this time we will be unable to point fingers, make blames and so forth,
but what I can tell you is that myself and the CEO spoke and in that conversation
we will sit down with the healthcare providers and we will establish some new
protocols as to how we proceed in dealing with these waste. But whether it might
be a mere incident or intentional, I want to take this opportunity to say to
the healthcare providers please respect the colour coded bags that you are supposed
to use, please ensure that responsible persons deal with your waste.”
Keith Swift,
“What is the danger?”
Phillip Willoughby,
“Well we don’t know the type of bacteria, illnesses, diseases,
viruses, that are within these bags or within the apparatus that were found
so with that in mind, we have to be very careful.”
And while Willoughby wouldn’t call names, we do know that the
KHMH trucks their medical waste to Belmopan to be incinerated. The waste collected
today will be incinerated at Belize Waste Control. That meeting between the
ministry of health, the hospitals, and the City Council is scheduled for next
week. |