Valerie Coombs Lashes Out at COMPOL Jeffries |
Thu, March 4, 2010 |
In the past month on this newscast we’ve aired Florida television
news reports featuring Valerie Coombs – the mother of Belizean American
businessman Jason Coombs who was executed at his business place on November
11th. Well, now. Mrs. Coombs has sent a recorded statement to the Belize media
and it’s mostly about a conversation she had yesterday with the Commissioner
of Police Crispin Jeffries. Here’s what she had to say.
Valerie Coombs, Mother of Jason Coombs
“On March 3rd,2010 I called CIB several times to find out the status
of my son's case, left messages as no one could tell me anything.
In desperation, I decided to call Commissioner Jeffries to ask for help and
the names of the 2 new inspctors recently assigned to my son's case so that
I could give them a call. I received a rude awakening, he informed
me that he did not assign anyone the media did that report. He said
the case was on going and that they did not yet locate the suspect.
I said how can that be as several reliable sources have seen the suspect still
in the city, his response was that they should come forward and put it in writing.
At this point I realized that no one was looking for my son's killers as they
expected the citizens to do the job that they should be doing. He
than said that he had no time to go back and forth with me, thanked me for the
call and hung up the phone.
The day that I gave my statement at CIB I was told by the police that the
word on the street was that my son's killing was a contract and that they had
one of the suspect's name and how much was paid, yet no one was ever charged.
I asked him if they were going to search for him and was told that they did
not have a vehicle to do so at this time. If you are not a part
of the solution you are a part of the problem.”
At a press briefing on Monday Jeffries again re-iterated that he had
named a team of investigators to review the Coombs case. |