Buckley Breathing on His Own |
Mon, May 3, 2010 |
And while it was fortunate that both armed forces held their fire this morning, the Police weren't so restrained last week Wednesday night in Belize City when they shot Steven Buckley who was in his boss's pickup truck. Buckley received over a dozen pellets to his head and tonight he remains in a critical condition. His sisters today told discussed his slow signs of progress.
Julie Sutherland, Sister of Steven Buckley
" They took him off the machine yesterday morning and right now he's sitting up. He's only moving his left side at the time. We're not sure if he can see but it seems as if though he can hear us."
"We can't get too happy right now because, yes, we're happy he's off the machine, he's breathing on his own. He's moving his left side but I mean things could change at any minute. Any minute, Steve could leave us so we don't want to get too happy. Yes, we're happy but we don't want to get too happy."
Jules Vasquez,
"Is he conscious? Is he responding to you all in any direct way?"
Julie Sutherland, Sister of Steven Buckley
"Well, when we speak to him, he doesn't move his head as to look toward us that he's hearing us. He's just laying in the bed and everyone once in while you would see him move his hand or move his leg."
Jules Vasquez,
"Ok, now I understand he's lost an eye."
Julie Sutherland, Sister of Steven Buckley
"Yes, he lost his right eye."
Jules Vasquez
"Do you guys know how many pellets he received in total and have they been removed?"
Tanisha Sutherland, Sister of Steven Buckley
"Well the doctor said it was 16. We don't know how many they removed from him yet. We know it was 16 pellets."
Julie Sutherland, Sister of Steven Buckley
"As of right now, we wanted to appeal to the public also because our brother desperately needs 5 pints of blood as urgently as today. Maybe still tomorrow if we don't get it. He needs A negative and O negative blood. And he really really needs the blood. He lost a lot of blood."
Jules Vasquez
"They had a press conference on Friday and at no point did they say, 'Sorry, we messed up. We shot an innocent man.' Have you all been angered or outraged at the lack of compassion that has been shown by the Police Department?"
Julie Sutherland, Sister of Steven Buckley
"Of course, Jules. It's only natural to be angry when you know your brother is someone who -- I'm not say he is the most innocent man in the world -- but if anyone knows my brother, they know that my brother is not a street man. Now when you're walking down the street and you see a police officer, instantly you just feel hate towards them, even though they are not the ones that committed the crime. It's like you just instantly hate all police officers. And it's not fair but it's just how you feel."
The police today sent an emissary volunteering assistance and to take responsibility for medical bills. Police say only one bullet was fired and that it was an accident. Eyewitnesses say they heard two blasts form the shotgun.