It is said to be one of the most addictive habits taken on by man. And whether you indulge in smoking tobacco as a social habit or full time as an avid user, your risk of contracting cancer or any of the other diseases associated with smoking is high. Scientific studies have shown that even non-smokers are at great risks posed from second hand smoke. The medical costs associated with this globally risky behavior are registered in the billions of dollars and over the last decade or so, governments around the world have been adopting stringent measures to reduce both the financial and social costs related to cigarette smoking.
Those measures have included placing a ban on smoking in public places, such as restaurants, government offices and buildings. While Belize's health authorities have only spoken about banning smoking in restaurants and bars, today, the Ministry of Health sponsored an educational fair to draw awareness of the disease and to bring early attention to the Worldwide No Tobacco Day being celebrated on Monday, May 31st.
I had the opportunity to visit one of the most impressive booths on display and spoke with Dental Surgeon, Dr. Leonel Sinai who reminded me that oral cancer can be caused by smoking and is just as deadly as Lung Cancer, the Number one related disease associated with the use of tobacco.
Dr. Leonel Sinai, Dental Surgeon
"The most risk factor for cancer would be the smoking. Usually the cancer in that area the funny part is that you don't feel pain most of the times. You might feel a little ulcer there, but you don't feel pain and all of us if we don't feel pain we don't pay attention to it."
Jim McFadzean
"Explain for us now these pictures indicate that someone starts out with the oral cancer. Could you explain this particular chart?"
Dr. Leonel Sinai
"This is a patient that was refer to us from a doctor because the doctor on his regular check-up saw this area here and he refer the patient to us. We analyze and examine everything, did some tests, x-rays. We did a CT scan and then we suspected cancer but we didn't know which type of cancer so we did a biopsy and send it to the pathologist. Seven days after the patient came back with double ulcers here. That is telling the cancer is a very aggressive one. After we convinced him and give him all the results he went to the states and they did surgery. They cut half of the bone on the top of the mouth and then 6-10 months he came back to Belize and we did a plate for him and now he is smiling."
Jim McFadzean
"What's your advice for those who still don't want to give up the cigarette?"
Dr. Leonel Sinai
"Well my advice would be 'give it up' it's not good for your health."
Studies show that cigarette smoke has more than Four Thousand chemicals, forty of which are known to cause cancer. Smoking is also known to cause gum disease, high blood pressure and stomach cancer.