This morning almost 75 members of the tourism sector were at the Belize Best Western Biltmore Plaza Hotel to get ready for next week's Belize Tourism Expo better known as BETEX. This major initiative of the Belize Tourism Industry Association along with the Belize Tourism Board was introduced as a way of promoting tourism in Belize.
Nicole Solano, BETEX
"Today was our supplier orientation and badge claiming session for the Belize Tourism Expo 2010. Betex is held by BTIA, the Belize Tourism Industry Association, every two years in Belize and is the only trade show that welcomes international tourism professionals. We have travel agents coming in and wholesalers coming in, we expect about 60 or so arriving on the 23rd which is next week Wednesday , although some will be coming in before to come do pre-tours and some will stay a little longer, but that is the official arrival day. We have delegates coming in on the 23rd and we have suppliers waiting to meet them in three destinations, in San Pedro, Placencia, and San Ignacio. Today, we had all of our suppliers come in for an orientation session to claim their badges. It's really a session where we were able to prepare for the week ahead, if anything is needed to be finalized or confirmed one week leading out to the event, we can do that. It's an opportunity for these trade delegates to come into the country and to view, to experience Belize. The itineraries are absolutely amazing, we have a number of host hotels that are hosting them - taking care of them for the five nights. So they arrive in Belize on the 23rd when we will be having a welcome gala on that opening night. Then the following morning, they go out to the destinations to meet the suppliers. On every other night following that, they will be staying in the destinations experiencing Belize, going on tours, and enjoying different activities that Belize has to offer so that they have a real, authentic, genuine experience while they are here for Betex."
The first BETEX event was organized in 1996 with the most recent being in 2008. The 2010 edition is set to begin June 23rd and continue until June 27th.