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West Collet Canal Sliding Into Oblivion
Thu, July 1, 2010
Over the past 2 months you might have noticed work being done on West Collet Canal in the Conch Shell Bay area where the popular fish market is located. That is because the street has been steadily sliding into the canal. The erosion has narrowed the street - making an area that is already difficult to navigate, virtually impassible at the height of the fish market hour.

Today we met up with Councillor Dean Samuels who is in charge of Works on the South Side of the City. He told us how the project is coming along.

Dean Samuels, Councilor
"The street is eroding into the canal and it's been getting smaller, so what we are trying to do right here is to reclaim back the street by putting in boutan, placing them, sinking them drown, platting them very close together against to form a wall so that we can form material that we are putting down. We are putting down pure hard core presently in some areas we might have to put down bigger rocks then hard core on top, but hard core is what we are putting down presently against the boutans. And definitely it's going to widen the street and it's going to be all the way from the bridge all the way up to the tree, so definitely again this is a significant project that is being done right now by the Council. This project started about I would say about two months now, really we got the boutan and we had a little mechanical problem with the backhoe so it slowed it down a lot, but definitely I would say in the next couple of weeks it should be completed if everything goes according to plan."

Samuels said there is another project underway as the council has recently obtained 30 culverts that they will be installing across the city....

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