Stepping - no it's not taking one step after another- it's a form of dance that consists of stomps, claps, and words. It has roots in Africa and is popular in the US, but it's not something too familiar to Belizeans. That is, until now - a famous stepping team called "Step Afrika" is in town.
You're watching the African American dance called stepping where the body is used as an instrument it was born in the early 1900's by university students as a distinctive signature dance. Step Afrika is an US dance company committed to keeping the tradition alive.
Here in Belize hosting workshops and performing for free.
Brian Williams, Founder Step Afrika
"We really want the young people of Belize to come out and see the show, because our show it comes from a tradition, it's a folk lord dance much like the Garifuna culture, their dance styles, the Mayan, those traditions here that we are exciting to learn about, we can't wait to see firsthand as we tour the country, but our show is made for young people and their families all ages they need to come out and enjoy and learn about the power of culture exchange, we are excited of just connecting with Central America and the people of Belize."
They promise a show that would be both entertaining and culturally enriching.
Dionne Eleby, Dancer
"The thing about it is everybody has hands everybody has feet's, people use that to communicate, so we bring that to the show, we hope that you bring it with you when you come share the energy share the love."
Emaun Hyde
"What are the hopes for the show tomorrow?"
Delaunce Jackson, Dancer
"Our hopes for the show is that all the people of Belize come out and enjoy it and take something from the show and all so give something to the show. Whether you take a step or chant a move, something that you didn't know we just want you to
take something and hopefully take that and pass it on and just keep passing it and keep passing the energy."
Emaun Hyde
"Is stepping hard or would I be able to do it like in a day?"
Dionne Eleby, Dancer
"You can learn the fundamentals in a day, but to be able to perform them for an hour and a half is another matter, but we love to teach you, come on out. That's the workshop."
But be warned the moves are infectious and pretty soon we'll be tapping your feet, but the founder of Step Afrika warns that there is more to stepping than just clapping your hands and stumping your feet.
Brian Williams
"Because their whole dance form was developed to express love and pride for the organizations the fraternities, sororities on college campuses who created the styles so in order to even be a stepper in the first place you have to love the tradition. If and what important is it more than a dance, you love the communion bond between the community the brothers and sisters in your group who you are stepping with, all that make for a very powerful performance, and we want people to come out and see what we are talking about."
The Dance team will be performing tomorrow at 7 pm at the Bliss, on Friday at 10 am at the Bliss, 6:00 pm on Saturday at Mayen lumber yard in dangriga, and 4 pm at the UB gymnasium in Belmopan.