Cornie Winston Carcamo is just like most of us, he doesn't want violence. Except that he has visited violence on another man, his mother's neighbor. He said he had to get into it a few weeks ago because the neighbor had insulted his mother. He told us he and that neighbor got into a fight which ended when he stabbed that neighbor.
And now, they've got what we would call beef - unfinished business which can only be settled with retaliatory violence. But for this vendor of lemon pies and jam rolls, he wants the beef to be gone - and he turned to the media for help:...
Cornie Winston Carcamo Jr., Want Beef Settle
"I made a report to the police more than one time and the police did not even pick up this person and explain to this man why there is a "beef" is between both of us. And now I have to protect myself while selling my pastries in the public when this is my breadwinner from hand to mouth."
Jules Vasquez
"But if you are selling pastries, how are you protecting yourself?"
Cornie Winston Carcamo Jr.
"Well I am protecting myself with a blade, a packet blade, because this young man approach me more than one time, hooked me down off my cycle, I made a report and the police did not do anything."
Jules Vasquez
"So you want to make peace with him or what do you want?"
Cornie Winston Carcamo Jr.
"I make peace with myself and with the enemy, because this thing has already settled at the court with my mother and her daughter."
Jules Vasquez
"So you want to squash it?"
Cornie Winston Carcamo Jr.
"I want to squash it because he is provoking me. There is a "beef" between myself and I am protecting my job, this is the only job I am doing, this is what brings in the breadwinner and I have a baby on the way soon to be born and this is the only job I do in the evening time that brings in the little money. This is why i chose to come on the media because this is getting out of hand. It's like if you and I have a "beef" Jules, if you see me and I see you that is when we will clash again and this is how this thing is set up."
Jules Vasquez
"And you don't want that to happen?"
Cornie Winston Carcamo Jr.
"I don't want that to happen because this is my breadwinner."
Carcamo said that even though he stabbed the man, police let him go when they got to understand the situation.....