20 year old pretend police Aaron Wilson has been in the news since Monday for his massive fraud perpetrated against the Police Department. As we've reported, he allegedly wore the uniform, carried the ID., and worked along officers on duty. And tonight he is being accused of using a firearm.
22 year old Jermyn Galvez, nephew of Yolanda Schakron says Wilson shot at him. It allegedly happened on June 18th around 12:30 am on New Town Barracks. According to Galvez, Wilson, who was dressed in a full police uniform with a badge fired two shots in his direction after a misunderstanding the two had earlier at the Thirsty Thursday Bar.
Galvez told 7 News how he first found out about this bogus cop.
Jermyn Galvez, nephew of Yolanda Schakron
"We went out to celebrate, we went to Thirsty Thursday to take a drink and we were out there having a good time. I lean over the verandah railing to talk to my friends downstairs and someone threw a drink over my head downstairs, some people got wet up. A policeman came and grabs me and tells me that he will charge me for throwing a drink at him. I told him, 'How will you charge me for something I didn't do?' I still have my drink in my hand, he pull me by my right hand insisting that he will charge me. I push away his hand and I told him, 'You can't charge me for something I didn't do!' Then a crowd came around him to see what is happening what the commotion is about. He pulls out his gun and cranks it, when he cranks his gun the crowd stepped back. The security came and told us to leave the place. I said that we were leaving anyway."
"When we were walking downstairs the person that was dressed in police uniform followed me downstairs and he insisted that he will charge me for throwing a drink on him, I told him again that he cannot charge me for something I didn't do. I start to walk towards my vehicle that was parked towards fisheries direction, my brother's vehicle was parked towards the other direction towards MJ's Grand, so when I was walking towards my vehicle and I looked back I see 2 police had my brother held against a vehicle. I turn around and started to run back to the same person that was dressws in police uniform was between my brother and I. When he saw me running back he said to me, 'Where are you running?' and he fired one shot in the air. I brakes and I told them that they will not chance my little brother in front of me. You already killed my other brother, you can kill me if you want, I am not afraid to die. I take like two more steps towards him and he fired another shot on the ground and he told me to go from here."
Monica Bodden
"When this guy shot after you that night. Was he aiming for you?"
Jermyn Galvez
"I don't know where he was aiming for because it doesn't look like he has much experience with gun because when he cranks the gun he had to stoop down and like almost put it between his foot to crank it, so you can see he didn't have much experience with a gun. The first shot he fired went over my head because he put the gun high and fired, then went I took 2 more steps he fired on the ground. The bullet didn't hit me but it was in my direction he fired the shots. The police went inside of Thirsty Thursday compound, I went to the 2 officers that had my brother and ask them what the problem was. They say they were doing a routine search. I explain to them what happened; they say that it's best that I go make a report because that wasn't called for. So my little brother went with me home, my cousin took home the other vehicle. The next morning I call the special constable, he told me that he got the name and number write down, but I left the paper home, so when I go home I will drop it off at Red House for you. Every day since then I call the special constable and he told me one story that he got the name and badge number write down, but he have the paper home and when he goes home he will bring it for me."
Monica Bodden
"Who is that special constable you spoke with?"
Jermyn Galvez
"I don't know his last name but he is special constable Aaron, he is big; tall and fat. Yesterday morning when I wake up and I walk in the kitchen and I see on the table the Amandala newspaper and when I pick it up I see the same person face so I figure that he had chance someone else or something. When I read the story that this man is not even a real police so I said that I have to go and make a report about what he did that night. I went to internal affairs and they sent me over to CIB and they say that they will charge him for attempted murder because I gave them my statement. Several other times I see this man patrolling in his uniform on Orange Street, by the park all over in his uniform. I thought that this man was a real police officer. What can we trust now? I was shock because things like this suppose to only happen in Hollywood in the movies. I can't believe that there was a fake cop patrolling every single day for the past couple of months the streets of Belize terrorizing people in the police uniform and they didn't know. No, that can't be true. I cannot go walk in the police station and sign in and sign out and get a gun from them, this just prove that somebody higher up have to have in there. But he must have been doing their dirty deeds for them they were covering up for him and that why nothing will ever come back to the police itself because he is a fake police doing their dirty deeds."
Wilson was charged with 6 offences when he appeared in the #1 Magistrate's court on Monday. Those include forgery and possession of an official document, namely a police identification card, along with theft of a cell phone, aggravated assault of an indecent nature, threatening words and being in unlawful possession of Belize police department accoutrements - meaning the outfit.
He pleaded not guilty to the charges that were not indictable. He was denied bail and remanded into custody for a week. No word from police on whether additional charges will follow.