Twenty-five year old Floyd Robateau, a resident of Lord's Bank who was reportedly caught coming out of a window at Williamson Industries wearing only a boxer shorts, was charged with aggravated burglary when he appeared today in the #8 Magistrate's Court.
Robateau pleaded not guilty.
The prosecutor objected to bail on the grounds that the offence has become prevalent and Robateau might interfere with the complainants.
Magistrate Emmerson Banner upheld the objection and remanded Robateau into custody until September 23.
The incident occurred yesterday evening.
Forty-one year old security guard Edwardo Miranda reported that when he went to Williamson Industries located between miles 7 and 8 on the Northern Highway, he saw that the door of the garage was pried open and he saw a crow bar, a machete and a knapsack on the ground.
Miranda said when he looked up he saw a man with only boxers shorts on coming out through one of the windows.
Miranda said when he shouted to the man that he will call the police; the man said he will kill himself if the police comes because he doesn't want to go to jail.
Miranda said he called his wife and told her to call the police and the man tried to escape. Miranda said he grabbed the machete and the man stabbed at him with a knife but missed. Miranda said he then lashed the man with the machete, and it caused a cut would in the palm of the man's left hand.
The police then arrived and Robateau was taken into custody and charged.