Of the many residents of Reggae Street who were battered by the storm surge and inundated by a thick film of filthy mud, one of the most well known has to be Catherine Valencio, known as Gaynor. She's the cook that sells outside all the popular nightspots - but the storm knocked her out of commission when it laid waste to her kitchen.
And while it was a trying week for her - as it was for everyone else in the area - old has brought new for this community cook. Monica Bodden found out more when she visited today:….
8 days ago - we interviewed Miss Gayna - who showed us her kitchen that was completely destroyed by Hurricane Richard.
The storm smashed her outdoor kitchen and washed everything away including her prized pots.
For a woman - who makes a living selling food - it was the worst possible outcome.
She was upbeat but calling out for help:
Catherine "Miss Gayna" Valencio
"We have health, strength; we have life so I think we will make it"
But since then, things have come around:
Catherine "Miss Gayna" Valencio
"I am getting back my kitchen and I am still short of the items that I lost out of the kitchen but so far at least I am seeing an improvement."
Indeed, today things were looking brighter in a rather gloomy atmosphere - as the rebuilding of her kitchen is in progress - and she says it's all thanks to her area representative
Catherine "Miss Gayna" Valencio
"Mr. Martinez and crew come by and assist with my kitchen so I thank him and everybody else who got me in thoughts and prayers, I thank them because I need to get back."
This kitchen is expected to be finished by tomorrow and when it's done - Miss Gayna says- its back to business for her.
Catherine "Miss Gayna" Valencio
"Good help, real help because that was one of the first things I had ask for; help for my kitchen and my stuff so that I can start to work, because I can help myself I don't need anybody to help me, once I have my equipments, I can help myself. They can help someone else who can't help themselves."
And Monica Bodden was doing her part on Reggae street over the weekend - and we'll have that for you later on in the newscast…