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16 Year Old Dies
Thu, April 28, 2011
Last night we told you about 16 year old Trevor Neal - the teenager who was on life support after being shot in the head by gangsters who were gunning for another man.

At newstime his prognosis was grim as doctors said he was unresponsive. So this morning, the inevitable occurred when he passed away…but its inevitability didn't make it any less painful.

Monica Bodden was at the hospital to speak with his family:…

Monica Bodden Reporting
16 year old Trevor Neal died at 9:00 this morning - after being shot in the head 24 hours earlier:

Edward Hoare, Father
"Everybody is taking it hard right now, especially his twin sister, she is taking it the hardest because she says that they took away a part of her, so it really hard on her right now."

It is hard also on his biological mother - who gave him up for adoption when he was a baby but came back into his life two years ago:

Celia Neal, Biological Mother of Trevor Neal
"I had never interfere in his life, because as the mother I gave him up, I didn't sign anything but I gave him up because i was smoking cocaine and all that life and I couldn't be a mother as I should have been to my child so they came and ask and I said sure, they did a good job but as I said I had never interfere in his life but after all is said and done I am his mother and I feel it. I really feel it for him."

This mother and sister say Trevor was as harmless and easygoing as he appears in these pictures taken on his birthday:

Kimberly Neal, Sister of Trevor Neal
"Around our area at Jasmine Street everybody know his as "big babes" everybody loves Trevor. Trevor is the type of person that you can take him like 20 times to the shop and he would go. He is not disrespectful any at all. Everybody loves him in our neighborhood. So when people around here hear about him they come and ask because they didn't believe that it is him because he was not in any gang and that is what I can say. I am sure of that."

Celia Neal, Biological Mother of Trevor Neal
"Moreover the police went to wake him up one night about two weeks ago and they took him and lock him down with the criminals. Maybe the gang from the other areas did not know, they must have thought that he was pick up from an alley or something like that."

Monica Bodden
"Lock him down for what?"

Celia Neal, Biological Mother of Trevor Neal
"For nothing, they wake him up from his bed."

Kimberly Neal, Sister of Trevor Neal
"They were just locking down people because even the boys from George Street got lock down, and they must have thought that he was in a gang too."

Celia Neal, Biological Mother of Trevor Neal
"He was in his bed when the police came and took him and lock him down. They would have never shoot him because they wouldn't have known him."

Kimberly Neal, Sister of Trevor Neal
"He don't even hang around George Street, he hangs around Jasmine Street area."

Celia Neal, Biological Mother of Trevor Neal
"So when they went to shoot the other guy and did not find him, they came and shoot Trevor because they thought that he was a part of this gang here too. They chance my son out of his life."

So whether he was mixed up with a gang member or just randomly shot - all agree there's no way he could have been the rightful target:

Monica Bodden
"As a parent knowing that your child was not involve with any criminal activity but yet his life was taken away so senselessly. How does that make you feel?"

Edward Hoare, Father
"It makes me feel angry to know that they took away his life innocently for no reason at all. Because as I say Trevor was a very nice guy. Trevor don't interfere with nobody at all, he just goes about his business and yesterday morning when he got shot he was going to work, its nit like he was going to do anything against the law or anything like that or to rob anybody, he was going just to work. Why kill him? What their reason for killing him."

Monica Bodden
"What will be one of the most greatest thing you will miss about your son?"

Edward Hoare, Father

One known gang figure was detained at his home shortly after the shooting - but the description of the suspects does not match him - and investigators are now following other leads.

The men the shooters were targeting has survived at least two attempts on his life, most recently in December, when he was shot four times….

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