And today, two days after that protest the BBOC and its allies met at the City Center conference room in the city to plan a strategy going forward.
Two of the bus operators told us why they are hurting:…
Jules Vasquez
"What is the status right now Mr. Grinage?"
Kenrick Grinage, BBOC Coop. Executive Member
"At this moment - jobless."
Jules Vasquez
"What would you normally be doing at 10:30 on a weekday?"
Kenrick Grinage, BBOC Coop. Executive Member
"We would be going en-route to Benque."
Jules Vasquez
"But that run has been cancelled."
Kenrick Grinage, BBOC Coop. Executive Member
"That run has been cancelled and given to somebody else."
BBOC member
"My brother - "bullshit" what is taking place here is injustice."
Jules Vasquez
"You feel that you all were betrayed after the meeting on Friday?"
BBOC member
"Yes and all of us from BBOC have that sentiment because we have no major infractions with the Traffic Department. Whenever they call on us, if we have to lose money to take out a run we do it."
Jules Vasquez
"You feel that the BBOC members are being push out of the way to make way for a politically favored person Mr. Chuc and his Westline Bus?"
Kenrick Grinage, BBOC Coop. Executive Member
"That's a definitely sure thing. It is playing out right in the public."
BBOC member
"None of us, nobody in their right mind would invest their money in an industry where today we have a run and tomorrow we don't know what will happen. There is too much politics in this business. If you are going to regulate then regulate and let the people that are in the business do the business."
Jules Vasquez
"So what will happen now?"
Kenrick Grinage, BBOC Coop. Executive Member
"I really don't know. I am standing here with my hands fold wondering how I am going to pay my bills, how I am going to feed my kids."
BBOC member
"As we sit with the rest of operators and we are united. Together unity is strength and we will see where we go from here."
Jules Vasquez
"Are you in a financial crisis being that so of the runs have been cancelled?"
BBOC member
"We are all in a financial crisis because we live from day to day and from hand to mouth, so this will just make it worst."
Jules Vasquez
"Now how far is the BBOC and its membership prepared to go in the defense of what it feels is an unjustifiable wrong done against you?"
Kenrick Grinage, BBOC Coop. Executive Member
"We are prepared to go all the way."
Jules Vasquez
"What does all the way mean?"
Kenrick Grinage, BBOC Coop. Executive Member
"As far as we can go. It's our livelihood."
BBOC member
"Jules, me personally, I am willing to do whatever is necessary to protect my bread and butter and to protect the investment that I have made. Whatever decision we make or whatever we do as a group - we'll do it together."
BBOC has 25 - plus members and hires about 100 persons.
They issued a release this evening. They are calling on the Prime Minister, to intervene to resolve the matter and demanding that
1. West Line should be removed from its present runs.
2. The Belizean Bus Owners Cooperative (BBOC) should be re-instated immediately and that they
should be given the 21 days that was agreed upon by Minister of Transport, Hon. Melvin Hulse, commencing upon removal of West Line.
The release says if they are not accommodated within 24 hours, ending Thursday at noon, they will take further action.