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Mexican Drug Overlord Caught? Did DEA Agent In Belize Play A Role?
Mon, August 8, 2011
Much was made last week in the international media when Mexican Authorities said they had captured the No. 2 financial operator in the Zetas drug cartel, Valdemar Quintanilla Soriano.

But the Zeta's top man, Heriberto Lazcano remains elusive - or supposedly he does. UNIVISON reports that two DEA informants claim the US have Lazcano in custody.

The two Cubans featured in a UNIVISION report claim they were promised a ransom of $5 million dollars for luring the drug boss 40miles outside of Cuban waters, where the US tracked them by satellite and arranged to swoop in for the kill.

And how does this come back to Belize?

Well, the Cubans told Univision the genesis of the plan to lure and capture Lazca started in Belize 14 months prior to the operation, when they collaborated with DEA agent Vincent Williams to deliver "El Lazca" in return for $5M.

According to the UNVISION report, the US Department of Justice is denying they have Lazca in custody, but the Cuban informants say Lazca was captured in a operation last July 4th, 40miles off the coast of Cuba. The operation was said to be supervised by DEA agent Vincent Williams.

The Univision report says that Williams neither confirmed nor denied the Cubans version. The men claim that the US won't confirm LAZCA in custody to avoid paying them the bounty.

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