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A Sunday Afternoon Execution
Mon, August 15, 2011
On Sunday afternoon in Belize City, a 24 year old was killed just across the street from his home. Charles Woodeye's guard was down - he was home from out-district work for the weekend - and was recreating with a few friends. That's when a gunman pounced - leaving no question as to whom his target was.

Jules Vasquez Reporting

We begin our coverage at yesterday's crime scene, which is just 150 feet from the Raccoon Street police station. On Sunday the firetruck had to be pulled out of the Dolphin street fire station - because inside it was a crime scene.

At 3:00 on Sunday afternoon, 24 year old Charles Woodeye was shot inside the fire station as he played dominoes at this table along with firemen who were his friends and familiars - after all, he lived just across the street.

The unmasked gunman ran into the fire station and shot Woodeye at close range as he played at this table. He was hit multiple times to the head and body as the gunman ran off.

The scenes of crime team recovered six nine millimeter casings from the scene - two of those bullets ricocheted and made marks on this firetruck's fender and windshield.

It was a ruthlessly executed Sunday afternoon execution and Woodeye didn't have a chance - he died shortly after.

The 24 year old had recently been linked with a pair of George Street dons as they claimed common cause in a wrongful imprisonment case.

But his family says this father of a two month old was no gangster - he was a worker - employed at the time of his death with the Ministry of Works.

His mother asked to appear off camera:

Jules Vasquez
"We know that a lot of people will say well its gang business etc. etc."

Voice Of: Margaret Bennett, Mother of Deceased
"He was not in no gang."

Jules Vasquez
"The last time I spoke to him he told me that was working at Ministry of Works and that he wanted back his job at the Ministry of Housing. He seems to be a young man interested in staying employed."

Voice Of: Margaret Bennett, Mother of Deceased
"He always says that he needs a job because he has a child to take care of."

Jules Vasquez
"Where was he working at the time of his death? Was he still employed at the Ministry of Works? Where was he working?"

Voice Of: Margaret Bennett, Mother of Deceased
"Ministry of Works in Orange Walk."

Now the father of a two month old baby girl is another casualty of the ongoing gang warfare in the streets - but for this family, he was something different:

Voice Of: Margaret Bennett, Mother of Deceased
"Jules he was always home with his family. He always knows how to make you laugh. If I am having a bad day he would always make me smile."

Charles Woodeye is the second son that Margaret Bennett has lost - her first died in a traffic accident two years ago. As noted in the story, Woodeye was employed with the ministry of works in Orange Walk; he was one of the so called "high energy and members and affiliates" who had been relocated in a work programme.

And as also mentioned in the story he was suing the government for wrongful imprisonment along with Shelton Pinky Tillett and Micah Thompson.

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