And while Belikin is sprucing up its brews, the Prime Minister's wife is sprucing up the city.
It's called the Street Decor initiative and organizers say it is intended to boots up appearances of the streets for the celebrations season. They will focus on the route from the airport and the parade routes, festooning the streets with season decorations and draping it in colour.
Now, we don't want to be too cynical, but that seems sort of like putting makeup on a pig.
But, organizer Kim Simpliss Barrow says it's not like that at all. She outlined the big idea for Monica Bodden today:..
Kim Simplis Barrow, Spearheading City Decor Project
"From last year we have been trying to work out a plan on what it is that we can do this year for our 30th anniversary, Our 30th Independence anniversary, and I really wanted to sort of make a difference. We wanted to decorate the area but we didn't want it to be just decoration that would go up and just come down and money goes to waste so, we wanted to make it sort of a sustainable project - decoration project. So we enlisted the support of Krissy Mastry and she came up sort of with a plan on what we could do to make it sustainable and of course we totally agreed with planting of the palm trees along the Northern Highway which is the entrance to the City, we wanted to put up the gateways - lighted gateways. It's not up yet as you can see, but we are hoping that by the end of the week it will be up and people will be able to appreciate it."
Krissy Mastry, Physical Planning Specialist, BTB
"Kim contacted me and we really started discussing different ways we could celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Independence and we can kind of put things throughout the City, in order to create ambiance - that feeling of civic pride and the symbolic gesture that we want to do for month of September, but do it in a way could be a little bit more permanent. And the idea was that really coming together with a different type of decor for the month with a combination of greening because we really started to talk about a greening initiative. The awareness of public space, putting the palms on the Northern Highway and continuing that throughout the City, maybe even further with in the year to different sponsorship which is really important, as well as other larger structure that we can reused with other decor latter on in the year, but different things that we can connect to the exciting infrastructure in order to make them sustainable, but that we could replace them throughout the year with different decorations as far as the celebration."
Monica Bodden
"So far what are the decorations that are already up in the City?"
Krissy Mastry, Physical Planning Specialist, BTB
"Already up - we have our flags, one of the big things that Kim wanted to do was an initiative with the flags. Mainly because it's patriotic the symbolism - bring back that kind of unified symbolic representation of the flag and we've done a lot of that. We have done flag throughout on the road on the airport as well as the overpass by the roundabout by Save-U and then we are going to be doing flag banners within the larger gateways that we have on Marine Parade and going up as well on Central American Boulevard."
The project is underwritten by the Taiwanese Embassy, the fort George Tourism Village, Benny's Home Center, the Belize Airport Concession Company, Brothers Habet, Telemedia, BEL, BNE and James Brodie and Company..