Cayo Taxistas Versus Their Benque Brethren |
Wed, September 14, 2011 |
On September eighth, the mayor of San Ignacio John August sent the Commissioner of Transport a letter explaining that the town council and the San Ignacio Taxi Drivers agreed to a new regime which would require Benque Taxis to use a specified route into and out of San Ignacio and a specified drop off point. They would not be allowed to drop off passengers anywhere in the town other than that drop-off point.
From there commuters could freely hire San Ignacio Taxis to take them home or wherever else they wanted to go. The move appears to be a strategy to protect the San Ignacio taxistas who are losing out on the Melchor traffic.
The implementation day was today when predictably there was a showdown between San Ignacio Traffic authorities and non compliant Benque Taxis.
Tonight those Benque taxis are saying that the transport laws state that a passenger can choose where and which taxi to use, and the taxi must take them to their destination where ever that may be, as they are paying for a full service.
They are asking that both the Minister of Cayo West, Hon Erwin Contreras and Min. Melvin Hulse to please intervene and address the issue, if not further action will be taken.