Coalition Moves To Trigger Referendum |
Tue, December 6, 2011 |
The Belize Coalition to Save our Natural Heritage will be holding a Press Conference on Thursday - and 7news has confirmed that they plan to announce that they are ready to trigger a referendum on offshore oil drilling and drilling in terrestrial protected areas.
Triggering a referendum means they will send a list of at least 18 thousand names to the Governor General - indicating that they have at least 10% of the electorate signed up.
This letter to the governor general may also include a question on which a voter can say yes or no.
And while that is the official process, on the unofficial side - internally - we understand that not all Coalition members are in agreement.
At least one group, Ya'xche which has been co-managing the 100,00 thousand acres of the Bladen Nature Reserve since 1998 - sees it as a grave tactical error.
We also know that APAMO - which is an umbrella group - also has major issues with the referendum - and abstained on the vote to trigger it.