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Single Mother Sent To Jail
Thu, January 12, 2012
Twenty four year old Kaycia Fuller, a single mother of a 4 year old son will spend three years in jail. She was initially charged with the attempted murder of another woman she had stabbed up, but the jury found her guilty of the lesser charge of use of deadly means of harm with intent to cause dangerous harm.

The incident occurred on October 2nd, 2009 on Hibiscus Street. The victim, Judean Brown was stabbed 7 times. Fuller was not represented by an attorney.

Fuller's sentence was handed down by Justice Herbert Lord and is to take effect from December 15th, 2011 the day she was convicted. Before sentencing her, Justice Lord heard pleas for mitigation from both Fuller herself, and 5 character witnesses. He also looked at an impact assessment and a social inquiry report and took into consideration the fact that Fuller has no previous conviction. Crown Counsel Christophe Rodriguez represented the prosecution.

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