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Phoenix Resort In San Pedro: Best Hotel In The World
Thu, January 19, 2012
When it comes to ratings for the best hotels in the World, millions of travelers look to the internationally recognized and respected internet travel guide leader, Trip Advisor. When one thinks of luxurious top of the line hotels, what comes to mind are the Diamond rated hotels of Las Vegas, the Five Thousand dollar a night hotels in romantic Paris and Monaco, or a little closer to home, the 5 star mega-hotels of Cancun and Acapulco.

Well, the word is out, and the myth has been dispelled. There's a new World order when it comes to the Crème de la Crème of World class hotels. And guess where the number one hotel in the World is? Well, according to Trip Advisor, the overall best hotel in the World is located right in our own backyard. Yes, The Phoenix Resort located in San Pedro has received the Traveler's Choice 2012 Award, as "The Best Overall Hotel in the World." According to them, the Phoenix has "The best of both worlds: island life and modern conveniences; including an exceptionally clean property, perfect location, and superb staff."

Stacey Chesnick, one of the Managers at the Phoenix told Seven News this evening by telephone that they are delighted at the news, and already, the phones are ringing off the hook with inquiries. Chesnick says it's also great news for Belize, because of what it means in terms of international publicity. It's the resort's first major international award, and she believes their proactive approach to customer service, personal attention to details, and delivery of memorable service are key to becoming the World's Best Hotel. The full service resort is located in San Pedro Town and boasts a total of 30 luxury condo units.

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