Merlene Bailey Martinez Returns To SSB... But Wasn't She Fired? |
Mon, February 20, 2012 |
On Friday we reported that Merlene Bailey Martinez had been terminated. That's what the Amandala reported based on a conversation with Chairman Lois Young - who is out of the country. Today, the reporter on the story Adele Trapp confirmed to us that is exactly what Young told her.
But if so, then, what was Merlene Bailey Martinez doing at Social Security headquarters in Belmopan today? She showed up a little after 8:00 like a normal work day - in her Social Security issued Landcruiser Prado - and went into her office - where, we are told, the acting CEO didn't even know she was coming in. According to reports she was there all day - except when she went for lunch like everyone else - and she remained there this evening until after closing.
Her sudden, unannounced re-appearance has left employees in a state of confusion and bewilderment - after all, everyone thought she had been terminated - and then she came back with no directive being sent to management or staff to clarify what the situation is.
So what's the bottom line? Well, we are trying to find out from the Board Of Directors which met this afternoon - and our team is still waiting out there.
Whatever the case, the confusion at the public level and within Social Security itself casts a very dim light on the conduct of the Board Of Directors - which has consistently failed to communicate with any clarity on this issue of extreme public interest.