Yesterday we showed you the UDP's manifesto launch.
Well, that event was for the press; the launch for the mass party's supporters was held last night in a public meeting in front of the UDP headquarters on Youth For The Future Drive.
The event drew a massive crowd - well into the thousands - but hard to estimate numerically because it spanned from the bridge's southern approach - right up to the BelChina Texaco gas station.
The crowd was massive but we note that it was not strictly a Belize city effort - all the national candidates were presented at the meeting and many of them bussed in their own supporters.
Still, no doubt it was a political success for the UDP and the spirit of the evening seemed to have supercharged the Prime Minister's spirits as he tried a kind of fast wave for the crowd.
But more than that, he said that in his 30 years of politics, it's the biggest crowd he's ever seen - which, even, with room for heat of the moment hyperbole - is quote a comment:
Dean Barrow - Party Leader, UDP
"Nothing can compare to tonight. Nothing can compare to this crowd."
The meeting - which also featured entertainment - finished after 10:00 pm last night.
The PUP has not announced if it will be having a Belize City rally before the election - though it is customary to do so...