In August of 2005, we aired a story of two British students who alleged that they had been raped by a local tour guide, Aaron Juan at a lodge in Georgeville, just outside of San Ignacio.
But after Belize Police conducted their investigation into the incident, there were doubts raised as to the veracity of their story. The girls had alleged that the tour guide, the son of the Lodge owner, plied them with rum and then entered their cabin uninvited. But the question arose: How could one man rape two teenaged females in the same room, around the same time? And further, why did the pair fail to alert 3 of their minders, who were sleeping only an estimated 50 feet away?
In 2006 - after being on the run for months, twenty-four year old Juan turned himself into police. His version of the story is that the young women were aggressive and they practically demanded that he engage in sexual acts with them.
Those are some of the issues being examined in a British High Court in London, after the two females, now in their twenties, have filed a lawsuit claiming damages from their former school.
According to the Daily Mail newspaper, the women say not enough was done to protect them by teachers and ex-military minders who were there to look after their security.
However, the school and the tour's organizers, Adventure Lifesigns Limited, are fighting the case and deny any liability to compensate the girls.
The school says they can't be held responsible for a rapist's crimes and are accusing the girls of inviting their attacker into their farm cabin for a forbidden drinking session late at night. |