Tonight - it's like Christmas in March for those who love politics - everyone has a guess, but no one's quite sure what tomorrow's going to be - whether it's deliverance at the polls, or always for the people.
Whatever the case - the important thing s that you exercise your democratic right and go out and vote.
Today our intern Robin Schaffer took to the streets to find out how strong the feeling is to take it to the polls tomorrow:
Robin Schaffer
"Tomorrow is Elections Day, will you go out and exercise your right to vote?"
Interviewee #1
"Yes, Ma'am"
Robin Schaffer
"Are you going to vote?"
Interviewee #2
"I certainly will."
Robin Schaffer
"Okay, great, thank you very much."
Interviewee #3
"I am going to put my 'x' on the correct one, and I wish all the Belizeans would do the same too."
Robin Schaffer
"Will you go out and vote?"
Interviewee #4
"Of course I will. I will exercise my right to vote."
Robin Schaffer
"Are you going to exercise your right to vote?"
Interviewee #5
Robin Schaffer
"Are you a first-time voter?"
Interviewee #6
"Definitely, sure, I think it's my sacred right, and it only comes around once every 5 years - in this case 4 years. So, Definitely, I'm going to exercise my right."
Robin Schaffer
"Are you going to exercise your right to vote?"
Interviewee #7
"Yes I will."
Robin Schaffer
"For both General and Municipal, right?"
Interviewee #7
"To be honest, I vote in the district, so only the General."
Robin Schaffer
"Tomorrow is the big double elections, are you going out and exercising your right to vote?"
Interviewee #8
"That's my right, and we need to exercise our right to vote, so for both General and Municipal Elections, yes."
Robin Schaffer
"Are you going to exercise your right to vote?"
Interviewee #9
"Yes, I'm going to do my voting tomorrow, and I want all the people make a list of what all the country needs. I wish everybody would have a nice Elections Day, and vote for the person they think is going to do the right job."
Robin Schaffer
"Tomorrow is the double elections, the big Elections Day. Will you exercise your right to vote?"
Interviewee #10
"Yes, I will. I have the right to do it and I will, if God permits. But my party will be the blue. I voting for strictly PUP all the way."
Interviewee #11
"Yes sure, I got to keep the voting the same way make it be balance."
Interviewee #12
"Yes I do, okay. I can tell you who i'll vote for. I'll vote for the red."
So let's hope that spirit is reflected at the polls and that there is a strong turnout. There was surely a strong turnout at Shell One-Stop Gas Station in Belize City tonight. Cars were lined up and jammed up on all sides - cueing up for gas - since we suspect most of them will be used in election machinery.
Indeed, it's a big day tomorrow....and tonight, this March 6th, this is the electoral map of the country showing what party controls which areas - if it looks overly red that's because the PUP's 4 divisions in the city are so small that they got lost in the wider national picture.
But tomorrow, all of that disappears, it's a clean slate, an open map - and you decide how to colour it, red, blue, or something new.
And of course you can watch every step of the election here on Channel 7 with our coverage of the Verdict 2012. Join Me, Mose Hyde and Sharon Marin tomorrow morning at 6:00 am, here on Channel 7, KREM TV and KREM Radio to kick off our coverage of the double election. We'll be joined by a slew of correspondents and panelists including Senator Godwin Hulse, Janelle Chanona, Jules Vasquez, Monica Bodden, Jim McFadzean and many, many others all across the country.
So I'll see you back here on Channel 7 tomorrow morning - until then, get some rest! 'cause we'll be up all night tomorrow!
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