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Minister Alamilla Praised
Mon, March 19, 2012
On Friday, the new Minister of Forestry declared a moratorium on all Rosewood harvesting and extraction. And since then, the praise has been rolling in for Minister Lisel Alamilla.

The Sarstoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management (SATIIM) says it applauds and supports her decision as, quote, "the first positive and assertive step in mitigating the environmental crisis caused by the unregulated harvesting of rosewood in Toledo." APAMO, the Association of Protected Areas Management Organizations, also sent out a press release applauding the Government. The World Wildlife Fund also sent a release saying it is in full support of the decision.

And the BTIA says it is also in full support of the moratorium. And while that's the cheering section, we note that there's also a booing section. We heard the PUP's new Toledo East Representative Mike Espat on LOVE FM today protesting that the moratorium would disenfranchise many communities because it is their only means of generating income.

And while we are still on the subject, we have one more bit of news. We note that the announcement on the Moratorium came from the Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries and Sustainable Development. What's odd about that? Well, there's no Indigenous People in it! That title appears to have been excised - only days after it was announced.

And it's not a typo. We checked with senior government sources who indicated Government is rethinking its position of creating such a title after the Mayan Leaders Alliance slammed them last week for doing so without prior consultation. So, the plan now is to first consult, and then proceed - not quite butter for fat, or fish, but apparently a concession by government that it is too early in its term to start quarrelling.

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