Well-known city resident, Kevin Kelly known as Boco-T died in police custody 12 days ago - and his post mortem was just performed today.
For his family - which has been waiting nearly two weeks to bury the 38 year old father of 3, it is an outrage heaped upon a tragedy - and when they found out the cause of death today - that outrage hardened into bitter resentment.
They today told us that the post mortem identified his cause of death as internal bleeding due to Abdominal, trauma due to blunt instrument type.
Now, that's major news because the unofficial police story was that he may have died from a broken neck which he could have suffered when he jumped a fence running from San Pedro Police last week Thursday night.
But the post mortem - as the family reads it - suggests that some blunt instrument caused the bleeding which led to his death.
His common-law-wife and brother told us that they believe he was murdered by police:..
Lorna Wade - Common Law Wife of Deceased
"I am not satisfied with the results. As what the police said that Kevin climbed a fence and broke his neck - he didn't break his neck, the autopsy showed that there is no broken neck and no overdose or nothing."
"The autopsy showed that he died from internal bleeding."
Monica Bodden
"Did any police officer came to you all and gave you some sort of information about what happened in San Pedro?"
Lorna Wade
"Up to now neither I nor his mother any police approach about this. I believe that they knew they were covering up that why they took so long to do the autopsy. Up to now no police came."
"Right now we are seeking information and we are getting a lawyer because we really want to find out what happened and to get to the bottom of how he died. Until we speak to our lawyer, then we will have more information to share to the public, but we have to deal with our lawyer first."
"Everybody should expect that I will be angry because he wasn't a sick person, they stated that he suffered from fits. The reason why we are more angry is because they took so long to do this autopsy. They know that they had something hide. That's why they took so long."
"His family and friends through Majestic Alley are frustrated because everybody knew Boco. Yes, he wasn't an angel, but he wasn't a dog for them to just kill him and throw him in the morgue without telling us anything. I, his mother nor his brother knew anything."
"We got this result from Dr. Estradabran and still no police came to visit us."
Lincoln Kelly - Brother of Deceased
"We are not satisfied with the outcome. From the autopsy we can see how he died. The story that they gave earlier about how he fell and broke his neck - the autopsy is not saying anything about his neck. The autopsy is saying that he got hyper-volume shock and abdominal trauma, so how can you fall on your neck and the autopsy is saying that."
"We believe, and before we were hearing rumors from people who lives in San Pedro who knows us tells us that police detain my brother and shock him up and throw water on him and kill him. The autopsy just proves that to me now."
"Like what his common-law wife says 'we want justice.!'"
The family says they will take legal action against police.
The long-delayed funeral for Kelly will be held on Thursday at St. Mary's Church.