27 year-old Lionel "Piggy" Neal and 20 year-old Michael Kerr were acquitted 2 and a half hours ago of the March 2010 murder of 29 year-old Glenford Matura.
According to police, at 7 a.m. on March 10, 2010 Glenford Matura, an employee of Belize Maintenance Limited, was working in the area of Euphrates Avenue and King Street when several shots were fired at him by an unknown gunman.
One of the bullets hit him in the head, and about an hour later he succumbed to his injuries while at the KHMH.
The only man who came forward to police as an eyewitness, testified in court today. He said the statement which he gave to police, and the one that he was shown, were two different things.
While he acknowledged that his signature was on the statement, he told the court that he gave certain information to the police, and that information wasn't present. In fact, he went as far as to say that the statement which he gave to police was not read back to him, and he signed it without reading it.
This statement, which was disputed, gave police crucial evidence to which led them to charge both men. It detailed this witness as seeing Lionel Neal, who he identified as "Piggy", as the man who pulled the trigger.
Without any other evidence to bring against the men, Crown Counsel Shamilla Williams closed her case, and Alifa Elrington-Hyde made a no-case submission.
Justice Lucas was forced to uphold that submission, and as a result, he directed the jury to return a not guilty verdict against both men.
Although they are now acquitted, they will remain in custody, until police can determine if they have any other pending matters before the court.