Tonight, a newborn baby girl is on her way to Virginia all the way from Belize. Hannah Castillo was born with a life threatening birth defect five days ago - and in short order, the World Pediatric project set up a lifesaving mission to get her to a specialist in the United States.
7news was there when she left the hospital this morning:..
Jules Vasquez reporting
One week old Hannah Castillo was carted out of the hospital this morning - for the first leg of what will be a long journey for the newborn.
As she posed with her family for a photo this morning - while they tried their best to keep up appearances, as you can tell from the distressed look on her mother's face, all is not well with this newborn.
Anna cannot eat because of a congenital defect - called esophageal atresia.
Milagro Garel, World Pediatric Project
"It's an incomplete esophagus."
Jules Vasquez
"How does this affect the child?"
Milagro Garel, World Pediatric Project
"The child can't eat - can't swallow her own saliva because like it stops here and there is no connection to the stomach."
And that maybe why she's making that mouthing motion - but all her mother can do is try to caress the child because she can't feed her.
But now, the newborn is going abroad for specialized treatment
Milagro Garel, World Pediatric Project
"This morning we are very pleased that we are transferring the baby with one of the medical doctors from Karl Heusner to the states. I know this is definitely going to be a complete success story."
But it is also a very sensitive case - and Hannah will be accompanied throughout the flight by her Doctor.
Dr. Cecilio Eck - Pediatrician
"Since the baby cannot eat they have to put an IV and give fluids while the baby is on the flight. The total time would be between 10-12 hours. So somebody who is experience in travel and taking care of kids in an emergency needs to accompany this child."
And for these first time parents from Ladyville by way of Guatemala - they are nervous but hopeful.
Leonzo Castillo, Father
"I feel a bit nervous; I can't help but feel anxious. I am really anxious for my daughter to come back and be well."
Aurora Maribel Chacon, Mother
"I am very nervous, I feel thankful that there is this opportunity for my child to be well."
And that opportunity is a 12 hour flight away in Virginia
Milagro Garel, World Pediatric Project
"They are actually going to make an esophagus for her. The baby has a long way to go - probably be in the ICU for 2 months at Virginia College University Medical Center in Richmond Virginia."
Jules Vasquez
"What is the prognosis for a full and complete recovery?"
Dr. Cecilio Eck - Pediatrician
"If it's fixed and fix quickly - normal child."
We'll keep you updated on her progress as the days go on.
The medical care is free and the family only had to come up with the tickets and the money for the visas.
She is traveling with her mother and Doctor Eck.
Through the efforts of the World Pediatric Project, she is the seventh child going abroad for treatment of this condition.