And while we were on La Croix we had to ask Area Rep King about La Croix Boulevard. He's the Minister of State with responsibility for the Gang Truce - and since May, gang war has flared up in the area - resulting in at least five persons shot on La Croix Boulevard.
Today when we asked him what this means for the Gang Truce, and he was, like, "which Gang Truce."
King told us that instead of truce, he wants to make the word peace into a verb:
Jules Vasquez
"This La Croix, which annexes Holy Emmanuel, has been the scene of at least 5 shootings since May, and I know that there is a lot of gang rivalry in this area. Is there anything that you can do, or that you have been doing to diffuse the tension in this area."
Hon. Mark King - Lake Independence Area Representative
"Jules, one of the reasons - and I must say why I haven't been giving gangs much attention - is because I am a different type of representative when it comes to that ministry and gangs. As a matter of fact, the word gang truce shortly in a press conference will disappear. It will become peace in process. And let me tell you why. We must not give the criminals of this country - or those people who want to do bad in this country - any media frontage, at all. It paints a bad picture on our country, and what the media says about us."
Jules Vasquez
"People who live on La Croix are constantly subjected - regularly subjected - to the noise, the news of shots being fired, and people being shot. Is there anything that can be done to enhance their quality of life? Yes, La Croix is paved; yes Holy Emmanuel is paved, but they still live in a state of low-grade sustained terror."
Hon. Mark King
"Jules, that is an unfortunate sound that we've been hearing for years and years, especially in the Lake Independence area. Like I've said, we've sat down with the police; we've reinforced the police in this area, policing within a certain time in this area - we all know that the police have limited resources, and we're doing exactly we can, but I am saying, to stop that kind of crime,
So if the Gang Truce will no longer be - then will King, who is Minister of State with responsibility for the Truce, now become Minister with responsibility for "The Peacing Process"? We shudder to think... |