Earlier this week, official details of the visit of Minister Louis Farrakhan were released. Those of us older born before 1980 should remember his last visit in 1986.
But there's a whole generation of adults born after 1986 who are saying, "Farrakhan - who?"
And it's understandable, because in the modern "pop-life" where telephones and television dominate the national consciousness, Farrakhan is not exactly at the top of the charts, or "trending" on Google.
But in 1986, before a zillion channels of cable, facebook and text messages, Farrakhan's visit was a major event. With some YouTube video of that visit recently posted on the internet, we wondered about the comparisons between then and now. Daniel Ortiz reports:..
Daniel Ortiz reporting
When Pastor Luis Farrakhan came to Belize in 1986 - this video captured by the Nation of Islam showed Belize City as it was then.
Some things have changed in the 26 years, while many have remained the same.
This was the enthusiastic crowd that gathered at bird's isle in 1986 to hear an address by one of the most electrifying black leaders in the world.
And Farrakhan delivered.
For many the memory of that event is still fresh - but for a whole generation of teens, twenty somethings who weren't born at that time - do they even know who Farrakhan is? We asked a few of them today:..
Daniel Ortiz
"There is a gentlemen; well-known individual from the nation of Islam Mr. Farrakhan who is to make a visit to Belize. Do you know who this gentleman is?"
Taylor Usher - Student
"Actually no. I don't have any clue who you are talking about."
Daniel Ortiz
"He is a very big personality. Do you know anything about Islam and Muslims?"
Taylor Usher - Student
"Not exactly, I am not too familiar with that culture."
Daniel Ortiz
"He will be making a visit very soon and he is supposed to be holding a public forum at the Bird's Isle. Is this something you would be interested in attending?"
Taylor Usher - Student
"I guess because I have no idea what it is. I don't like being ignorant to different subjects and different topics. I am open-minded to whatever it is to at least learn more about it."
Daniel Ortiz
"There is a gentleman well-known in the nation of Islam in the US. He is supposed to make a trip to Belize Mr. Luis Farrakhan. Had you even heard the name? Do you know this individual?"
Trevion Lord - Student
"Not from what I can remember."
Daniel Ortiz
"Sir, he speaks about black empowerment and freeing yourself from mental slavery and rising above poverty and stuff like that. He is a very religious individual. Is this something you would be interested in, mind you he is a gentleman who is a big follower and leader in the Islamic religion. Is this something that you would be interested in?"
Trevion Lord - Student
"It seems like something good but I don't know exactly what he is bringing, so I can't just say off hand I am interested in that because you know."
Daniel Ortiz
"He is supposed to be holding a public forum when he makes his appearance here in Belize. Is this something that you would attend to find out at least to see what it is?"
Trevion Lord - Student
"Probably, just to see what it is and then make my decision whether I should stay or not depending what the topic is about."
Edward Burns - Student
"Yes actually I do know about the gentleman. I show quite a few of his documentaries at my work place at KREM Television."
Daniel Ortiz
"What do you know of this gentleman?"
Edward Burns - Student
"Minister Luis Farrakhan is a Muslim spokesman. He speaks about black people empowerment, problems that black people are faced with in life, in reality right now. He also speaks on children abuse, on female abuse and different things that touch on black people."
Daniel Ortiz
"You seemed to be very knowledgeable and very well educated about Mr. Farrakhan. Sir, has any one of his philosophies impacted you?"
Edward Burns - Student
"To be quite honest I really pay attention to quite a few of his documentaries that we play and sometimes when you watch the documentaries he touch on certain points that make you question yourself on where the dude is really coming from basically - the perspective where he is trying to put things and the perspective of where we as humans put it right now."
Daniel Ortiz
"We know that he is going to have a public forum at the Bird's Isle when he makes his visit. Since you know so much of this gentleman and his ideas have impacted you - would you attend this public forum?"
Edward Burns - Student
"I most definitely will be there."
Daniel Ortiz
"Do you know this gentleman?"
Francis Babet - Student
"Not at all."
Daniel Ortiz
"Sir, he speaks about black empowerment and to rise above your roots and become as educated as you possibly can. You are an educated gentleman going to school - may have some of the same philosophies as he. Do you know anything of which I speak of?"
Francis Babet - Student
"It's a relevant topic about black empowerment in our society."
Daniel Ortiz
"Do you know anything about the gentleman?"
Shanice Lord
"I am not sure. The name doesn't ring a bell in my head at all. It's good that there is someone promoting black people empowering themselves instead of bringing ourselves down because lately there is a lot of negativity with us, with gang violence, drugs etc. so it's good that someone is promoting black people empowerment."
Daniel Ortiz
"A part of his visit is to hold a public forum at the Bird's Isle. You seem to be receptive of some of his ideas. Would you attend just to find out what he is about?"
Shanice Lord
"Yes I am willing to attend."
Daniel Ortiz
"Do you know anything of this individual?"
Frank Spooner - Student
"I know he is from Islam, I can't remember what he does there but I know he is like some kind of an inspirational speaker or something."
Farrakhan arrives in Belize on December 6th for a 4 day tour. He will deliver a number of public addresses including a final address to a general audience, again at Bird's Isle.
He is presently on a Caribbean tour.