Opening ceremonies were held this morning for a Youth Friendly Drop in Center at the Caribbean Shores police substation. It is an initiative of the Community Policing Unit - a section of the Police Department that involves law enforcement professionals who specifically work with and for the communities.
The new drop in center will give students in the area access to a computer to get homework assignments done and should also serve as a safe setting for the youngsters.
Corporal Hortense Hernandez, who is the Acting Officer Commanding the Community Policing told 7news how the center will operate.
Corporal Hortense Hernandez, Acting Officer Commanding Community Policing
"The youth friendly space is a place where young people can come and just be themselves in a crime free environment; at the same time they will be learning very educational stuff that will help them along the way as a guideline."
Monica Bodden
"Tell us a little bit about what are some of the services that will be offered here?"
Corporal Hortense Hernandez
"Young people can come here, they can print home works, they can do research if they have homework, SBAs - anything that they need to do on a computer they can come and get some assistance to do homework. Also we have a lot of informative pamphlets where they can get additional information. As I said it's a place where young people can just be themselves."
"If you notice across Belize we keep on complaining that young people have nowhere to go, there is nowhere recreational for them and as a community policing initiative we believe if we have more youth friendly spaces for youth - they will do more positive things than being on the street doing nothing or get themselves in trouble."
"We will be putting two computers here, but because we will be having assistance they can feel free to come. People just need to wait their turns for the computer to get their homework done. The youth friendly spaces are run by police officers - trained police officers. I would like to extend an invitation for the entire community to come on out and take advantage of the space that is provided for you."
There are other Youth Friendly Drop in Center around the country managed by the Police Department.