Tonight the KHMH has a new device, called a radiant infant warmer.
It was donated by Alan and Colleen Spring in memory of their son Thomas Spring.
Like incubators, the radiant infant warmer will be used to regulate body temperature in newborn infants, humidify the air and add extra oxygen. The Director of Medical Services explained:..
Dr. Adrian Coye
"This morning is a very special because through the generosity of Alan and Colleen the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit/Special Care Nursery is the beneficiary of this excellent donation which is an infant warmer. This has been a labor of love from them and a labor also of patience because the offer has been there for quite a while. We've been finally able to connect and they'd able to deliver this very important medical equipment."
"It will be used in the Special Care Nursery and the in fact warmer has the purpose of keeping the temperature of newborn infant at a certain level and also for nursing care. Babies are at risk of losing insensible heat loss very quickly and it affects how they recover and respond to treatment and we are very glad for their generosity."
Colleen Spring
"My husband Alan and I have been on a long journey to make this possible. We have a son who was treated by the very hardworking staff at the pediatric unit here and although he passed away we wanted to make sure that something positive came out of the experience of having him and meeting the very wonderful people who work here at the KHMH."
"So in lieu of having flowers donated at our son's funeral we ask for friends and family around the world to please send any small amount of money that they'd be interested in so that we could work with the doctors here to purchase a piece of equipment that was much needed. This is very similar to the piece of equipment that was used with our son and they definitely could have use more, so we are very pleased and honor to be able to bring that to you and also like to thank my parents who helped considerably in making this happen and as well as Sterling Freight who help with the shipping expenses."
The donation is valued at ten thousand, six hundred and ninety four dollars.