And while that programme was being launched, the YMCA was also opening its new entrepreneurship market outlet.
This initiative seeks to target rural women and youths from Belize City, Cayo, Stann Creek and Toledo, and provide them with an avenue to learn how to open and manage their small businesses. It also gives them a venue to sell their products.
Today, 7News dropped in at the opening, and spoke the project coordinator about it.
Here's what she had to say:
Regina Campbell - Coordinator, YMCA EEOEM Project
"We are launching today the WYCA market outlet. Its something that has been that has been in the work for any of years and the idea of having a place for women and youth to sell their goods and services because we realize that market access is a difficulty for many rural women and youth."
"The idea came about that we would have an outlet here at the YWCA where women and youth can sell their products but also that YWCA students can sell their products and services as well."
"We are not just providing an access to a market but we are also providing business mentoring, technical support and training. All of the women that you see here are participating, mentoring and training and when we care sure that they have a product that is marketable then we put it here in our market."
"It's a growing process. Some of the items that you will see - their labeling or packaging may need some help but we are working with them to encourage them and make their business even better."
"We are also working to teach them business skills; how do you manage your money? How do you become credit worthy? How do you access finances, so all of these concepts are a part of the program of the mentoring and training that we are doing."
The project is being funded by the European Union, the Australian Government, and US Embassy through the CARSI Project.